Bureaucrats Or Trump Threaten Democracy?
Mitch McConnell's op ed detailing how “Bureaucrats Threaten Democracy,” especially the Liberal kind, is a classic.

Kirkland’s Houston Bankrupt Gig is a Problem
Am Law 100 law firms are snickering now that Kirkland & Ellis, was caught helping put one judge’s hands in a mistress's panties ...

Love to Hate Gutter Politicking 2024
Peggy Noonan recently bemoaned how our frustrated & fearful people are now “loving to hate.”

A Flame Broiled Burger For My Kingdom
WSJ story said “Climate Change Is Coming for the Finer Things in Life”...

Soul Food: Week of June 16, 2024
Whites did not build America alone. Nor did blacks or any other ethnic minority or race. WE ALL built America … together.

What If America’s Melting Pot Is Melting?
An historian who’s called the presidential election correctly almost every time since 1980 says his scientific “keys” beat poll watching.

Joe’s EV Policy Never Got Hang of It
Is the Biden Administration now threatening to “Hang the Oil & Gas CEOs” for high energy prices a ruse to divert attention...

Four More Years of Bidenfare?
“Biden’s worst decision” yet was his insisting upon “putting the country through” even the possibility of “4 more years”...

Gerrymandering & Legal Election Rigging
Supreme Court Law 101 drums it into students’ heads legislative gerrymandering or election rigging is UNSSAILABLE unless “racially" based...

Joe’s Morehouse Address Less Than More
As Biden’s black support erodes, he stoked racial resentments with an “America Hates You, Stupid” message to Morehouse College grads...