Israel’s Carving Up Gaza Temporary?
So “Israel is Building a Road Bisecting Gaza to Prepare for Next Phase of War”?

Beef Prices Mooving Higher Than A Kite?
Cattle farmer warns plunging beef supply has reached a crisis point & “Americans are going to pay the price.”

Adams Family Fought For One, Free Nation
Lost in the divisive CRT hub bub is that most Americans have always been anti-slavery & most leaders fought it tooth & nail...

Reagan Legacy Stands Test of Time
Leftists still try to destroy Ronald Reagan’s legacy...

China Wails At IP Squatters From Hell
So, if we dig deep enough we find the Communists are getting a dose of their own medicine as “copycats are coming for China’s hit brands?”

CBO Issues ‘Shit’s Creek’ Budget Projection
New CBO report not only shows “entitlements & debt payments are squeezing national defense” but “paddling” US toward a "Fiscal Fall"...

Drunk Nuked My Power Grid & Super Bowl
Scratch one Super Bowl for me & hundreds of others in Falls Church, Va as a drunk took out a transformer & crashed into a home...

Super QBs Play For Love of the Game
As Mahomes & Purdy recently said, they became Super Bowl QBs by playing hard ball on the diamond as youths...

$18 Big Mac Has Fats Domino Effect
McDonald’s CEO sort of begged forgiveness for outrage triggered by massive menu hikes, including an $18 price tag for a Big Mac combo...

Biden Fiddles As Mid East Oil Burns US
As Biden dithers over response to Iranian allies’ murdering US soldiers, Middle East is on fire cause Joe’s bid for détente has failed...