Trump v Harris: Are You Better Off?
Both Trump & Harris are painfully short on detail but their signaled economic policies come down to ... what?

The Clean Fuel Startup “Money Pit”
OTHER green mania reality is that “Clean Fuel Startups Were Supposed to Be the Next Big Thing … Now They Are Collapsing.”

Crt Saves Us From Joe’s Brazen SAVE Plan
Biden & Harris’ LAWLESS SAVE PLAN was struck down, as were previous attempts to “forgive” billions in student loans ...

Little Old Lady Who Lives on Social Security
As Trump vows to end double taxation on Social Security “benefits,” I’m amazed at the miserly MSM & social media commentary ...

Trump Needs To Change or Low IQ Wins?
The WSJ editors have seen enough in their op ed “Will Donald Trump Blow Another Election?”

Cash Buff Buffet A Whiff of Recession?
Does Warren Buffet smell a recession after the famed investor recently sold $75.5 billion in stocks?

Totem Pole Economics In Election Year
The Got Rocks are bragging about their expanding stock portfolio while the Po on the Po River are living paycheck to paycheck...

Kamala’s Fracking Salad Vinaigrette
GOP critics say Kamala Harris is going to run from every unpopular Biden policy she can & voila, she flip-flopped on Joe’s fracking ban...

Poor Kids Rise With Adult Role Models
It’s a sociologic tenet that poor kids need a two-parent home to rise above the poverty when adults...

US Debt Mocks GDP With Sound of Silence
History tells us nations that foolishly pile up their debt get a Waterloo ending & USA appears charging in that direction...