US Debt Mocks GDP With Sound of Silence
History tells us nations that foolishly pile up their debt get a Waterloo ending & USA appears charging in that direction...

It’s Trump’s Election to Win or Lose
Americans want to be able to say he or she is “My president” but Trump can’t seem to fully grasp this ...

Musk’s $ To Trump Throws Dems Under Bus
Liberals express befuddlement at Elon Musk backing Trump with $45 million a month for his presidential campaign...

Soul Food: Week of July 21, 2024
The more we become dependent upon technology to run our lives, the more we’ll need to turn to the Grace of God to save us from its dark side

Iran Plays Joe For 10 Billion More
Despite numerous security experts saying President Biden’s lifting of sanctions against Iran has fueled that rogue nation’s proxy wars ...

Is Harris King Joe’s Rubber Stamp Queen?
Kamala Harris said Trump picked JD Vance to be ‘rubber stamp’ for his ‘extreme agenda’?

Trump’s VP Barack Vance Will Do Fine
While Obama & Vance have different colored skin, as junior senators they are much like two peas in a pod...

Baby, You Can Drive My Stick
It’s no secret progressives seem to think only THEY have answers to the world’s problems.

Biden's Grift & Joe’s Trumped Up Dump
George Clooney wasn’t the only progressive loony to “wake up to the Biden Grift”...

Can Harris Jiggle or Giggle AG Past?
News reports say “Harris’ [tough on crime] record as prosecutor could complicate efforts to replace Biden as Dem nominee...