Soul Food: Week of April 14, 2024
I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving...

Trump The Terrible Turns Truth Tamer
Is Trump’s meeting with struggling Speaker Johnson “meant to quell House GOP disarray” also a sign of a maturing politician?

Red Hackers Love USA’s Green Energy
How amazing is it that ballyhooed “solutions” can create bigger “problems” as suggested by “How Green Energy Makes Us Vulnerable"

Scapegoating & Spending Threatens Democracy?
If one wants to undermine “democracy” isn’t it best to weaponize fed agencies against whiners & distract the rabble with circuses?

Total Eclipse A Looming Traffic Nightmare?
A total eclipse is coming April 8? Many Eastern schools will be closed & DC Swamp workers will stay home (as usual) ...

Green Electric Grid Catastrophe In B&W
Biden & alarmist MSM allies keep talking up an approaching climate catastrophe but ignore their policies can’t do much about or hasten it...

Dem Meddlers Meltdown vs Meddler RFK
Dems & allied MSM hypocrisy hit its highest note yet as NBC axes ex-RNC head McDaniels after a day on the job...

EV Woes Mount Faster Than Horse In Heat
WSJ’s Holman Jenkins opines how “GM’s not telling truth” about EV’s woes due to “delusional” US energy & climate policies...

Got Rocks Joe Stonewalls Pentagon Rebuild
As President Biden urges billions in new military funding for Ukraine, Israel & Taiwan, he’s proposing to SHRINK the Pentagon’s budget ...

New SOU Taxes Have Fair Share of BS
Fair share” Joe said he wants still more taxes on the “rich” & suggested Trump’s $T tax cut for his business pals should be spiked...