Bezos Breaking Barriers On Door Desk
Can you stop laughing at the media reports breathlessly reminding us Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos still works at his “door desk”?

Biden Fiddles As Mid East Oil Burns US
As Biden dithers over response to Iranian allies’ murdering US soldiers, Middle East is on fire cause Joe’s bid for détente has failed...

Romeo Gets Swift Kick Out of Earhart Pic
Is it bigger news that Amelia Earhart’s missing plane has finally been found or Taylor Swift’s whereabouts be unknown at next Chiefs game?

Birdbrain Biden Loves Tweeter Trump?
If you listen to No. 45’s “Birdbrain Haley” post, she & her donors must give up after 2 primary losses or he’ll eat their brains for lunch.

Davos Digs CO2 Grave For Coffee
he Davos elites are now “coming for your coffee” as they discuss how coffee production (not just farting cows) contributes to climate change

EV Owner's Lament, “Oh For A Horse To Ride!”
“The EV Backlash Builds” as companies cut output amid flagging demand?

Does E-bike Bankruptcy Redefine “Fiasco”?
How should we spell “fiasco” in today’s hi-tech mania world when the once hottest, coolest e-bike maker went bankrupt ...

EV Charging Woes As Hell Freezes Over
WGN-TV reported Chicago-area Tesla charging stations were lined with long queues during the recent deep freeze ...

Chevy Blazer’s Trailblazing EV Outage
General Motors has halted sales of its new ballyhooed Chevy Blazer SUV because of “software problems” ...

Classic Govt Waste & Joe’s Job Growth
Are Joe’s beloved job growth numbers disingenuously misleading, i.e., driven by printing paper money & Covid tax credit scamming?