Happy New Yr & Practical Politics Collide?
New Yr’s Resolution: Urge pols pundits to think smart not s***** policies...

Longevity Treatments In Local Gym?
Are today’s “longevity treatments” at the local gym worth it or a waste of money?

Era of Big Taxes Always Upon Us?
We’ve entered the Era of Big Taxes, says WSJ’s Tom (no joke) Fairless?

COP28 Craps Out With Empty Promise
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but WSJ tells us yet again about “The Phony Climate Promises of COP28” ...

GM’s Quantum Leap Away From EVs
Armageddon may be coming, but more likely because of astronomical global warming mediation costs not global warming itself...

Climate Accord Discord Smokes Hopes
Saudis tell COP28 to kiss their oily butts on “fossil fuel phaseout” pipe dream ...

Should COP28 Enlist God To Save Earth?
Is there enough tea in China to get world to save itself by cutting carbon emissions by 1.5C any time soon?

My Kingdom For A Working EV Charger
An EV owner proudly said he could travel 120 miles without a battery charge ...

Samurais Biden & Trump & Hari Kari
An FEC complaint by conservatives alleges coordinated disinformation campaign from Biden’s 2020 run...

Exploding EVs Can’t Replace A-Bomb - Yet
“Burn, baby, burn” isn’t just a radical 60’s slogan but today’s reality for firefighters across the USA trying to deal with EV battery fires