Signature’s Frank Not Too Big To Fail
Frankly does the collapse of Signature & SVB show that Barney “Fife” Frank, co-author of the 2008 Dodd-Frank “too big to fail” reform law...

SVB Spinners Cover Up Cover Up?
No matter how Joe & Fed spin the SVB bailout, it’s a result of a decade’s long policy after 2008 debacle ...

Are Climate Scientists Disconcerted Deniers?
“Is this the greatest ripoff in American history?” Qs why “America has spent $100B on climate change” while “achieving absolutely nothing"?

Barr None, Joe Won’t Blow Cartels Down
Bill Barr’s proposal to kill the “head of the snake” aka Mexican cartels suggests ...

Joe Treats Venezuela Better ‘n Alaska?
Biden Adm stuns with admission in leaked memo that it rejected proposal to charge fossil fuel companies less to drill in Alaska...

Sigh! Justices To Hear CFBP Case One Day
Sup Ct showing “burnout” signs chasing after one progressive workaround the Constitution after another ...

Bernie “Budget” Biden To Print Mo Money?
Is there any need for proof Joe has gone all in to Bernie’s socialist policies & “print more money to fund it” mantra ...

Joe’s Rule By Pen Proliferates
One of the precedents set by Obama was to end run Congress by ruling with “phone & pen” ...

Fossilized Renewable Policies & Black Outs
As rate of fossil fuel plant retirements exceed renewable replacements ...

NOW Wuhan Lab Leak “Common Sense”?
Peggy Noonan writes “Common Sense Points to a Lab Leak” ...