Simple & Stupid: Biden Budget Says Stagnation Is Good
Biden & economic geniuses have set up USA for another 8 years of Obama’s “new norm” aka “economic stagnation”…all, at a frightful cost...

Hollywood To Binge On New Old Westerns & PC BS?
WSJ: “Hollywood Renews Love 4 Westerns – Good, Bad, Binge-Worthy”. Big mystery is how its woke leftists will reconcile history w/PC mania...

Our Giggling VP Bombs At Naval Academy ala GI Joe
WSJ’s columnist Gerard Baker noted, “Harris Bombs at the Naval Academy” with one of the worst 2021 commencement speeches.”

Huh? Only USS Carrier In Asian Waters Sent To Desert?
A critical shortage of aircraft carriers in US Naval Fleet is 1 reason why Trump’s re-election would have been wise in eyes of some admirals

Diamond Joe Biden Wants To Spend Your Tax $ On…
You’d swear by Diamond Joe Biden’s $6 trillion budget proposal that the money was coming just out of his own pocket & won in landslide...

Global Vaccine Fiasco A Bad ‘WHO’s Your Daddy’ Joke?
Is there’s more progressive banality in WSJ’s “Grand Plan to Vaccinate World Against Covid” than scoop of vanilla on Biden's sugar cone?

Tucker Tasks Fickle Fauci With 3 Ls: Lies, Lies, Lies
Fox anchor Tucker Carlson can’t let go of his anger in “Fauci, the WHO & MSM lied about COVID origins for more than a year.”

New Precise Painting Of PRC’s Covid Coverup Artists?
WSJ’s exclusive report “Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Covid-19 Debate,” suggests noose is closing around PRC’s Covid coverup artists' necks.

Irish Go Ballistic Over Joe’s Global Corporate Tax Rate
As if we needed more proof President Biden’s Administration lives in a progressive La La Land, we have WSJ’s “Biden’s Global Tax Trouble"...

Seeding Burbs With Poor Leaves USS Titanic Adrift?
Rep. Van Duyne recently wrote an op ed on Fox’s website titled, “Biden’s war on suburbs – here’s how administration hopes to control you...