CDC Sanitizer Advice Need Update As Eczema Spikes?
Remember warnings fr/MSM & CDC how over use of sterilizing hand gels was endangering folks by reducing their bodies' ability to fight germs?

Can GOP’s Alt-Budget Table Dems’ Fried Pork Roast?
True or False? House GOP says it can “eliminate” Biden’s $4 trillion 2022 budget deficit in 5 years while cutting taxes by $2T...

IEA, Don Quixote Environmentalists Tilt At Windmills?
Another hidden Don Quixote-ish agenda of radical environmentalists exposed in WSJ’s “Stop New Oil Investments to Hit Net-Zero Emissions"?

Radical Energy Policies & Players Reaping A Whirlwind?
Is Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer a radical environmentalist bent on defeating the good parts of her agenda by bending reality?

Unmasked Biden Creating More Crisis Than Solving?
Are the wheels coming off Pres Biden’s Slow Boat to Wherever? Fox suggests it is in “Battered Biden under siege as crises confound the WH."

Biden’s Darkside Gonna Cost Us $4 For Gallon O Gas?
FBI says “Darkside” ransomware was responsible for Friday’s cyber attack on the Pioneer Pipeline th/feeds gas to 45% of the East Coast...

Greed Shoving Higher Coffee $$ Down Our Throats?
WSJ’s “Why Coffee Is Getting More Expensive” so an average cup at barista places now costs $4.50 “& going higher" blames overseas events...

Saving Higher Education By Holding On To Wallets
“A fool & his money are soon parted” is the proverbial lesson urged in the WSJ op ed “Sorry, Professor, We’re Cutting You Off.”

Reports Of Post-Covid Psychosis Rare, But Troubling
Now, the Chicago Tribune ran a chilling piece titled, “After Covid-19 came panic and paranoia"...

GOP Wakes Up To Dems Woke Use Of Courts To Rule?
Did Obama’s “wing man” Holder & Dem AGs really think the political opposition was gonna to let 'em have all the fun? Not in the end...