Cruz Election Missile Nukes Woke Coke Exec
In a WSJ editorial, the Texas Senator told progressive CEOs “Your Woke [“influence”] Money Is No[longer] Good Here”...

If Biden Could Count He’d Know USA Ain’t Spelled USSR
President ’s address to Congress was titled, “Biden’s Cradle-to-Grave Government” might have been, “Sad, Stupid & Self-Defeating.”

Irish President As Lucky Or As Dumb As Predecessors?
Prescient Donald Trump appears to have been wrong about 1 thing: The stock market & economy would tank if socialist Joe Biden got elected...

2020 Census: Progressive States Keep Losing Taxpayers
2020 Census suggests flight from Blue States continues & could impact 2020 elections. Yet, pundits thought the Blues would fare worse...

Radical Biden An Adams, Robespierre, Lenin Or Bozo?
Should we be concerned radicals have taken over Biden's psych? Brainwashed him into a delusional Green New Deal, open borders, higher taxes?

Cons & Libs Need God’s Wisdom, Use Common Sense
A conservative pundit recently griped, “what’s left to be conservative for”? How about “common sense”?

Climate Joe Sucks Down Xi’s Egg Fool Yung Again?
Is WSJ unnecessarily fretting over Biden’s 10-yr “Climate Plan” he’s committed the USA to in his recent virtual climate talks with China?

Fluoridated Water & Toothpaste To Save Putin, World?
Happy to see enamel strengthening toothpastes in drug store & extolling its fluoride ingredient. Yet wasn't fluoride being banned by cities?

Obama Guru Resets Record, Not All Climate Change Dire
Not all news coming out of Obama’s climate warming clique is dire, writes WSJ’s “How a Physicist Became a Climate Truth Teller."

Biden Kicks Sleepy Putin’s Pocketbook, Jinping Next?
WSJ’s “A Bad Day for Vladimir Putin” lauds Pres Biden’s sanctions ag/the Russkies, while reminding him his CHINA pals are biggest threat...