WHO’d Thunk China’s Wuhan Virus Recipe Won(ting)
Even CBS 60 Minutes’ die hard lib, Leslie Stahl, sounded more like Donald Trump in questioning China’s “Bat Man” version of Covid origins...

Texas Blackout Deaths Shows Hypothermia Apolitical
The Wall Street Journal recently wrote how the “Texas Death Toll From February Storm Outages Rises”...as in DOUBLED...

Shocking? Wordsmithing Biden A Plagiarist? Copycat?
Is nation’s most famous plagiarist, Pres Biden, at it again ala 1987 resume scandal? His 1st & shamelessly choreographed presser suggests so

Trotsky Sanders Finally Makes (Un)Censorship Sense
Regulation of the Internet & social media isn’t rocket science, it simply requires common sense, balance & fairness.

Would ‘Yuge’ Biden Gas Price Happen Under Trump?
Gotta love WSJ being a month late in noting “Unusual Leap in Gas Prices Puts $3 Gallon in Sight.” Three bucks? Try the $3.59 I see ...

A Case Of Long Covid Or Short Cuckoo? That Is The Q
I empathize with the docs who have to deal with “Long Covid” or folks’ blaming all sorts of mental & physical illnesses on “Covid”...

Whitmer Needs Cuomo Hail Mary To Escape Covid Hell?
From Fox News we learned Michigan’s Gov aka “Wretchen Gretchen Whitmer” may “soon face Cuomo-like scrutiny over nursing homes.”

It’s EZ: GPS System Down To IT Or Political Hacks?
The answer to the WSJ article is “no.” That is, “Will We Be Ready if GPS Goes Down?”

What A Feelin! Independence From Garbage Disposals
My Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of garbage disposals came in the midst of renovating our kitchen...

Are we Independents among the Last of the Mohicans?
Are we Independents among the Last of the Mohicans?