Brit Restaurants Bring Pre-Paid Gas To Pump Revenue
The Fox News piece warned, “Some restaurants in England are asking customers to pay before they eat when indoor dining returns.”

Joe South Sider Goes Home To Sweet Home Chicago
Some how, some way, Chicago still manages to be one of the most beautiful & fun cities in the world...

COVID Death Inflation Due 2 Under Not Over Reporting?
So, the states are finding MORE rather than FEWER COVID-19 deaths thanks to glitches in reporting protocols?

Dark Age Fear In Past As Colleges Map Normal Fall?
“Colleges Begin Mapping Out a More Normal Fall,” says WSJ. The bad news is draconian lockdowns will return IF the fear mongers resurface...

Animal Whisperers Go To The Dogs Faster Than Cuomo
Leave it to the WSJ to tell us “What do dogs really think” because “Pet Psychics Are Standing By.”

Devil In Details: Duke Fites Demons & Covid 4 NCAA Bid
Duke Basketball is an amazing success story, but this yr's unranked 13-11 team could be embarrassed if invited & it accepts...

Energy Deregulation Burns Poorest Consumers
So, maybe deregulation of the power industry ain’t always a good thing?

Obesity Weighs 2nd Heaviest On COVID Death Rate Scale
The link between COVID-19 deaths & obesity was long expected, but not the stunning rates of death let alone level of obesity.

Dem Election ‘Reforms’ More Like COVID Pig Feast?
COVID election rigging is going mainstream, i.e., if you believe the WSJ’s “Making Every Election Like 2020.”

Manchin’s Filibuster Promise Means Never Saying Sorry
Manchin’s refusal to go along with Dems' myopic quest to end the filibuster to grease their progressive agenda is a Profile in Courage IF...