Does Biden Have It In Him To Give Rads Clinton Stiff?
Does Joe Biden have the brains & brawn to resist the radicals who want to turn his party into a socialist experiment from hell?
Can’t Christians & Jews Debate Better Than Politicians?
Recent news reports tell a woeful tale of churches & synagogues struggling to “reunite deeply divided” flocks thanks to politics & pandemic.
Alt GOP DOA W/O Champaign Bernie’s Trotsky Model
Social media is already peppered w/calls to abandon the GOP & start a “new” party so let's note what a lost cause this is, unless done right
By Jesus, Lincoln Warned GOP About Relying On Courts
Just before the Dems took control of the Senate, Fox’s most straight-shooting commentator, Tucker Carlson, asked, “Where has the GOP been”?
Elementary? Biden’s John Brown Was Trump’s Fault?
How did Biden get w/n days of occupying the White House when Trump accomplished more in a 1K days than his successor can in 1K years?
Corona May Kill Kings, But Never Defeats A St Anthony
“A Christmas Tree” is a novella recounting how a Norwegian Spruce named “Tree” taught an orphan to believe in herself...
Does Biden Make Left Turn & Lose What Mind He Has Left?
Problem with America’s radicals is they always want to stomp on people to get their way & most often wind up getting stomped on themselves.
Did Real Will Of People Yelp ‘Up Yours, Elites’ On Nov 3?
Imagine Biden supporters’ shock at their supposedly “illegit” POTUS Russkie tool getting 70 million votes, while GOP kept Senate control...
Lady Gaga Stumps For Biden vs Ugly Chumps In Yet Another Elitists’ Power Grab
President’s message these past few weeks is right on: “A vote for Biden is a vote to turn America into a socialist country.”
Is Election A Referendum On Trump Or Americans’ Stomach To Finish Draining The Swamp?
Today’s election is NOT a referendum on the president as the MSM insists, but on his "finishing job of draining the Swamp as voters wanted