Extremists & Kooks Notch Win Over Extremists & Kooks
WSJ recently gave kudos to House Rep Kevin McCarthy for showing true leadership & not being the commie witch hunter with same name...

Doomsayers Be Damned, Democracy Lives On BUT…
Isn’t it amazing how resilient America’s Democracy is, the doomsayer’s notwithstanding?

Obama Center Drama Promises Jobs…And Much More
The $500 million Obama Presidential Center will break ground later this yr after having survived yrs of delays, lawsuits & a federal review.

Climate Czar Kerry Winks At Jet Travel To Get Buzz
President Biden’s Climate Czar recently told energy workers who would lose their jobs under his Green New Deal plans to find another job.

New York Homeowners’s Get Snowed By Kids & Pols
The WSJ noted snow shoveling during the Covid pandemic is one of the hottest “new” jobs to be had by enterprising. A veritable windfall.

Gov Moonbeam II’s Recall As Likely As San Diego Snow?
Most centrists aka middle America are cynical ab/reversing election results by draconian means like impeachment unless “high crimes" proven.

Biden Team’s Indecent Covid Proposal Is Sloui’s Thanks
We really should be saluting Dr. Moncef Slaoui if President Biden can’t find the grace to do so. It’s a sad commentary on the new POTUS...

Kerry’s Nutty Flying Squirrel Pollutes As Planet Whizzes
2020’s Hypocrisy of the Year Award goes to Pres Biden’s “Climate Czar,” John Kerry, for never giving up his polluting jet.

Is It Biden’s “Turn” To Be A Divider Or Lincoln Unifier?
Karl Rove recently wrote a WSJ op ed in which he noted President Biden’s flurry of executive orders is a “Race to the Left.”

Cuomo Covid Catastrophe Doubled, Is NY Home Alone?
It gives no Cuomo critic satisfaction that the NY Times reports its governor grossly undercounted virus deaths in the state's nursing homes.