Giant Asian Hornets, Killer Mexican Bees & US Leftists Have Cancel Culture Tactics Down Pat
Bee nice to any illegal flying insects with stingers, regardless of where they originated, or they’ll find a way to cancel you out.

No Secret Bummed Silent Majority Wants Trump’s Promises Made 2 Be Promises Kept
Mr. Trump needs to remember how he got to the White House in the first place.

Time 4 Teachers 2 Recall Greater Good, Get Kids Back In School, Play Politics LATER?
Using the coronavirus pandemic as a collective bargaining fear mongering for selfish gain at expense of kids.

Logic Not Supremes’ Strong Suit But Robed Giants Gamble On Getting CFPB Half Right
You’d think after 244 years, the Supremes would get the tug of war between presidents & Capitol Hill peanut eaters right

Fair Housing Act Protects Cat Ladies & Hoarders While Landlords Go Nuts
The DC’s Fair Housing law I recently came across is another candidate for a sequel to “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

Watching Trump’s Back: Pelosi’s Coronaviruscare Ploy Another Hoax Patriots Reject
Beware Pelosi’s “Phase IV Economic Pork, er, Relief Bill”. But, make no mistake. Real patriots will continue to watch nation's back.

Of Lions & Gnats. Pelosi & Williams Show True Colors In Coronavirus Crisis
Lion’s share of Americans are proving to be lions during the Chinese Coronavirus Crisis. Meanwhile, a few pesky gnats are proving 2 be gnats

Bloomberg Using Millions & Smokey the Bear Logic 2 Pull Wool Over Voters’ Eyes?
Suggestion: Stop the self-serving jingles saying nada. Put a Chicago Bear mask over your stone face & sing Smokey's famous jingle