Maher, Leno Kiss Trump’s Egg Nog
Lib Bill Maher slammed other liberals who cut off family for the holidays over politics ...
Is Biden’s Legacy “Et tu, Brutus?”
Shakespeare couldn’t have written Joe Biden’s main legacy as one of “mental decline.”
DOGE Dips Toe Into Sea of “Me Too”
Pols & bureaucrats are rightly blamed for the nation’s $36 trillion debt & a main cause of inflation ...
US Economy Beats Brains Outta EU’s
How can the US economy be trouncing EU’s when Americans relatively suck in education scores?
Resurrected Faith In Troubled Times
Trump’s & D. Washington’s faith journeys mirrors America turning to God in challenging times ...
Woke College Educators Gall Galston
William Galston opines “Higher Education Is in Trouble” thanks to the woke “experts” it has trained...
Trump, DOGE & The Gambler Gambit
Fox’s David Marcus argues “De facto President Trump’s handling of shutdown threat was a masterclass.” WSJ’s editorial board differs...
Nasdaq DEI Mandates Decked
A federal appeals court rejects Nasdaq/s yearlong woke push to set as well as publish mandated racial & gender targets for its members' bds.
Biden-Harris Jobs Boast Tanks
Lost in CR chaos is new data suggesting the Biden-Harris job numbers were way overstated...
ABC Pays Trump, Dodges Global Kill
ABC’s staffers are pissed about $15M defamation settlement with Trump...