Harris Ducking Indies At Her Peril?
What was striking in the Fox story was a black collegiate (& other “irked” voters) telling Kamala Harris, “You got to answer the tough Qs"

Nippon’s US Steel Falling Off A Cliff?
Shouldn't US pols stop blocking Nippon Steel’s $14.1B acquisition of (& another $2.7B cash infusion into) US Steel?

Smoke & Mirrors Medicare Price Controls
A remarkable deflection in the new price controls on Big Pharma is that it will reduce generic competition, which would SAVE consumers more.

Is Faceless Harris Also Toothless?
Even a CNN pundit “scorched” Dems blaming Trump at DNC for “everything” when Harris is “in the WH right now.”

Harris Wants To Be LBJ or Trotsky?
Most depressing thing about the Democrats’ convention is that its “platform offers a vision where the answer is always government."

Trump v Harris: Are You Better Off?
Both Trump & Harris are painfully short on detail but their signaled economic policies come down to ... what?

The Clean Fuel Startup “Money Pit”
OTHER green mania reality is that “Clean Fuel Startups Were Supposed to Be the Next Big Thing … Now They Are Collapsing.”

Soul Food: Week of August 18, 2024
The power of humility is that it brings us closer together & the role of every hero is to unite people, not divide them...

Trump’s Baked In “Lunacy” Problem
WSJ’s Gerard Baker may have come down with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” when he wrote “Trump Is Looking Like a Loser Again"...

Straight Shooter Gorsuch “Over Ruled”?
I’ve often bitched about “The Human Toll of Too Much Law.” Now, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has written a book on that reality...