Trump: Federal Budget Makes “Zero” Sense
Trump “flipped the script on the busted budget process” by freezing many woke-go-broke expenditures whilst “investigating” spendthrifts.

When Wuhan Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
CIA Director Radcliffe released a 5-yr-old doc Biden kept secret, opining the likeliest source of the deadly Wuhan Flu was a lab in Wuhan...

Soul Food: Week of January 26, 2025
Patience is the companion of wisdom … rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.

30 Somethings Shun Mom’s Cherry Pie
Arrested Development was a popular tv comedy but various experts are beginning to wonder if the titling might apply to an entire generation.

Trump’s Taming of the Shrew (Inflation)
Did someone say Trump needs to do something about inflation?

Trump’s Lawyers No Longer Fear ACLU
ACLU was a key part of the “resistance” to Trump No. 45 & engaged in lawfare against him since...

Soul Food: Week of January 19, 2025
If you have faith as small as a mustard see, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move.

A More Confident Trump Tallies Forth
an Henninger notes a subtle change in Trump after being long accused of “breaking norms,” now calls him a “Disrupter in Chief.”

Put Wind Farms In Your Pipe & Smoke ‘Em
Trump told the inconvenient truth that wind farms only work because of massive gov’t subsidies...

Soul Food: Week of January 12, 2025
Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship ... If you get knocked down 7 times, get up 8