Soul Food: Week of November 24, 2024
I thank God with the biggest, if silent, yelp humanly possible, whenever possible, for His loving gifts of Life, Free Will & Grace...

Trump’s DOJ & DOD Middle Men Purge
Pundits are panning Trump’s appointments of Hegseth & Gaetz to Justice & Defense...

Soul Food: Week of November 17, 2024
The problem with getting older is that you may not be dying just yet but it keeps getting harder to live...

Trump Win Dems’ Devilish Stumbling Block
Is Dem meltdown at Trump’s election a sign of a “religion” or “cult” overtaking the country?

Will Jesus Or Trump Avoid A Crash?
Controversial economist says expect a “crash of a lifetime” next year, even though money machine Trump got elected...

Chuck Schumer’s Petty Election Denial
Dems raged over GOP “deniers” in 2020, but are now often “deniers” after Trump landslide ...

A Vote In Time Saves Sup Ct Nine
In 1937 it was said a shift of one Justice in a critical case ended the move to pack the Sup Ct by Franklin D. Roosevelt ...

Soul Food: Week of November 10, 2024
I could always live in my art, but never in my life...

Elon’s Darts Can’t Miss DC’s Porky Pigs
Federal bureaucracy had BOOMED under Biden so Trump’s waste manager elect, Elon Musk, has “much to target.”

Dr. House The Key To Abortion Debate?
We’re told ad nauseum by Pro Choice aka Pro Abortion advocates that “no one should come between a woman & her doctor.”