Soul Food: Week of October 20, 2024
When the decision is up before you – and on my desk I have a motto which says, “The Buck Stops Here” – the decision has to be made.

Donkeys & Elephants in ‘24 Election Room
Karl Rove is right about “Policy Elephant(s)” in the 2024 election that “neither candidate has bothered to” or adequately addressed.

Intolerance Now Progressive Motto?
A Progressive journalist recently unleashed a torrent of criticism on liberal intolerants ...

Joe & Kamala “Trip” Each Other Up
As Harris’s “Joyful” campaign sours by the day, tensions allegedly are arising with Joe’s WH...

Transgender Sport Meets Its Match
Progressives who insist on ramming those born male down women athletes’ throats is going to get an orgasmic lesson in comeuppance...

Horrific Deaths Still Haunt Our Factories
Most have heard horrific worker deaths at the hands of their machines not being turned off when they should.

Tennis Finds Itself In A Pickle(ball)
Turf war tween tennis & pickleball is escalating as US Tennis Assn says 10% of America’s courts have been taken over by tennis’s ugly sister

Bidenomics’ Progressive Fiscal Train Wreck
Latest gov’t data says Washington has racked up ANOTHER $1.8 trillion budget deficit, rising 11%...

Fading Joe Haunts Harris’s Do Over
Joe Biden says he & VP Kamala Harris are “singing from the same song sheet”...

Gotta Hand It To Hurricane Insurers
“Homeowners hit by Helene Are In for an Insurance Claim Shock” as in read the fine print absolving the insurer from many if not all claims.