Mexican Gangs Make Pols Dance The Bean
You want some of this? “A Mayor’s Beheading Shows Who Runs This Mexican City: The Gangs.”
PRC’s Childish Policies Teach US Lesson
How ironic Communist China’s facing a massive demographic decline via its One Child policy & forced to pay parents to have more kids.
If Sinwar Had Followed Isaiah’s Prophecy
We’re told “Sinwar’s Bloody Gambit” changed the Middle East, but not in improving the prospects for a Palestinian State...
Harris Can’t Talk Climate & Energy Truth
Notice how VP Harris has “stopped talking Climate Change” & is “Disguising” her draconian energy plans ...
Penny 4 Your Thoughts on Violent Vagrants
NY prosecutor Alvin Bragg not only assailed Trump with bogus law fare, now he’s proceeding with criminal trial of Samaritan Daniel Penny...
Fed Up Yet With Absent Fed Workers?
US Government’s ongoing “absent stay-at-home workforce” is costing taxpayers big-time in terms of services as well as money.
Dems’ Hurdle Old “F” Bomb at St. Trump
Harris ads re-started lobbing the “fascist” meme at Trump, but “the public isn’t buying this Democrat” slur...
Noonan’s Gag Advice To Harris
WSJ’s Peggy Noonan loses her marbles every 4 yrs. In 2020 she predicted a Trump win based on lawn signage...
Go Figure Harris’ Inflated Economic Claims
Harris couldn’t explain in Fox interview why she’d be better on economy & inflation than Trump ...
Soul Food: Week of October 20, 2024
When the decision is up before you – and on my desk I have a motto which says, “The Buck Stops Here” – the decision has to be made.