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17 States Now (Re)Claim Right 2 Amend US Constitution

States as well as Congress can amend the Constitution & those wanting to limit the Swamp’s unchecked power have reached the half-way mark as Nebraska’s legislature just became the 17th out of 34 needed to call for a convention (38 are needed to ratify any amend to the Constitution).

“What’s driving this as much as anything is overreach on the part of the federal government,” Nebraska state Sen. Steve Halloran, who sponsored the resolution told Fox News. “It’s become abundantly clear with the history of Congress that they have no sense of limiting their spending and the accrued debt that’s happening to our nation,” Halloran added, calling the US’s $30 trillion national debt “unsustainable.” The plan also includes term limits for elected federal officials.

The state-driven effort under Article V of the Constitution started in 2013, despite the fact all previous 27 amendments were initiated by Congress since the Constitution was adopted. According to the Fox report, enabling resolutions have “passed one chamber in 8 more states and legislation is pending in 15 more state legislatures. “We have to look at the historical surroundings of when the Constitution was drafted in Philadelphia in 1787 & understand full well what the Founding Fathers had in mind for the states to have equal footing with the Congress in proposing amendments,” Halloran argued, concluding this is the states’ chance to reclaim powers they relinquished to the federal government by sheer acquiescence.

Davd Soul


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