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1st Birther Butchers Tx Breakfast Tacos

If Tex Hispanics are as “unique” as a “breakfast taco” as Jill Biden said during a key suck up event in San Antonio, is Joe as unique as a “slippery Delaware dumpling”? Talk about “butchering” chance to mend fences …

Or, is Jill as bad as Joe in “winning over” Hispanics as No. 46 sees his approval rating in this key voter demographic crater like an over-baked Spanish Spinach Souffle? Before being forced to “apologize” for putting Joe’s foot in her mouth, the First Birthing Parent was speaking at the 2022 UnidosUS Annual Conference in San Antonio titled “Siempre Adelante: Our Quest for Equity”. Fox News says she was “commenting on UnidosUS Pres Raul Yzaguirre’s work in building the influential organization by understanding “the diversity of this community [is] as distinct as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio…”

Inspired, Florida Senator Rubio changed his Twitter profile pic to a taco that looked like it was lifted from a Taco Bell commercial. The National Assn of Hispanic Journalists reminded Jill & Joe “We are not tacos” and noted “using breakfast tacos to try to demonstrate the uniqueness of Latinos in San Antonio demonstrates a lack of cultural knowledge and sensitivity to the diversity of Latinos in the region.” So, what are they saying? Jill & Joe are “Siempre Stupido”?

Davd Soul


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