2020 Census: Progressive States Keep Losing Taxpayers
So, the 2020 Census figures now released confirm flight from progressive states with higher tax & crime rates continues so that control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 could be affected. But, most pundits had predicted the likely loss of House seats was going to be a lot worse for the Blue states. How could that be if Trump had been “rigging” the Census as progressives claimed?
The WSJ editors offered several explanations besides the rigging charge being a figment of some folks’ imagination. One thought was the Blue states at the 11th hour pulled out all the stops in “counting” people (e.g., dead or alive?) In addition to this “Chicago Way” theory, the Census counters may simply have over-estimated earlier preliminary counts, easy enough to do in a pandemic environment and with college kids attending virtual classes while their parents bounced around states to avoid infection. Other factors were floated, too.
In any event, it now looks like Texas stands to gain 2 House seats (instead of the predicted 3 or more) while Florida, Colorado and Oregon will likely have 1 more representative in Congress (instead of whatever more). Meanwhile, urban-rich New York, California, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois are among those states likely losing one measly seat (instead of 2 or 3). The net effect is a potential shift of 7 seats for Republicans and Democrats to fight over. Maybe the biggest head-scratcher, says Fox News, was California. How could it have lost only 1 seat when it’s obvious a middle class flight has been raging there? Likely answer: A massive influx of immigrants in the last 10 years.
Davd Soul
