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2021 FBI Stats Reveal Cops Killed In Ambush

Do new FBI stats suggest big uptick in unprovoked attacks on cops is due, in part, to fake MSM news & activist lies of them roaming the streets to cuff minorities as if this were 1859 & Stonewall Jackson were still alive?

Betsy Brantner-Smith, a spokesperson for the National Police Assn had this to say to Fox News about the FBI’s latest report on 73 officers who were killed in line of duty last year, 24% of those deaths being the result of ambush & for no apparent reason: “We have got to do a better job in this professions and we need help from the community to get to do a better job of fighting the false narrative that police officers are roaming the streets, murdering our citizens, murdering unarmed black men, all that … One of the reasons that we’re seeing this huge uptick in officer ambushes & unprovoked attacks, is because there is this pervasive false information in the media, by activists, by some politicians …” THAT, she added, “is one of the biggest, most ignored officer safety components in this country right now.”

The ugly death toll of police officers represents a 20-year high and in 30 of the 73 deaths, wearing body armor did not save the officer’s life. Ironically, FBI data shows 20 of the alleged cop-killers were White & 11 were Black (although race was not listed for the other cases). Nine of those arrested were under judicial supervision at the time of the attacks & 20 were identified as prior offenders, some with long rap sheets. “They either don’t go to jail,” said Brantner-Smith, “or they don’t stay in jail.”

Davd Soul


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