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‘21 Yr of Biden’s Socialist Betrayal & COVID Darkness?

MSM’s “Year in Review” articles are here & an honest headline might be: “2021, Year of Bernie Biden’s Build Back Better Betrayal”. If “I’m No Socialist” Joe’s narrow WH win was a “mandate” wasn’t it to be anything but a Sanders party? Then, there’s the COVID canards…

As Fox News’ Jesse Watters notes, “Biden’s luck has run out, he’s lost control of the country” in 10 short months thanks not so much to “several crises,” but to the way he’s botching them after selling out to the radical wing of his party. Forget the early Afghanistan fiasco, it’s petty foolishness compared to what has followed. Start with Mr. Biden’s “marquis $2.2T Build Back Better welfare plan” he’s still trying to ram through Congress with a theoretical 1-vote advantage that would really cost up to $5.5T while inflation is hitting a 40 year high. Some estimate it’s already costing the average family up to $3,500 since inauguration day. Thank God ONE fellow Democrat, Joe Manchin, has so far gummed up Mr. Biden’s betrayal to centrist voters … Moreover, Watters argues, folks are keenly aware “the border’s [been purposefully left] wide open [inviting] illegals to bring in drugs, crime & COVID.”

But, like the virus, the old saying “what goes around comes around” applies to politicians. In 2020, President Trump’s re-election was derailed for a number of reasons, but arguably starting with the COVID pandemic. Ignoring the “Warp Speed Vaccine Program,” Mr. Biden criticized No. 45 for having no “plan” & promised to “shut down” COVID without “shutting down the economy.” Yet, he prophylactically shut down the economy while more people died of COVID under his watch than Trump’s. And, now he’s going on TV Tuesday to again push the counter-productive panic button on the Omicron variant after predicting a “Winter of Death” ahead for the unvaccinated he’s trying to bully ala Bernie. Wonder why nearly 20% of America has already decided to bury the man’s radical agenda that should have been DOA?

Davd Soul


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