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A Cross Maher Burns Woke Bridges

Lib pundit Bill Maher tells Joe Rogan far-left progressives are comparable to the Ku Klux Klan thanks to their fixation on race & ignoring common sense in applying their woke ideology to reality. Talk about burning bridges, if not crosses …

As reported by Fox News, the Rogan interview had Maher offering he was like a “90s liberal” because his “ideology isn’t as extreme as modern progressives.” Picking up on the cue, Rogan said “You’re like liberals back when they were more reasonable before they became leftists. And now every liberal kind of has to be a leftist. If you want to be on the team, you’ve got to subscribe to the most fringe ideas that the team is promoting.” Expounded Maher: “I’m always trying to make the case that ‘liberal’ is a different animal than ‘woke,’” which is too often about the focus on identity & political correctness rather than addressing problems. He said: “You can be woke with all the nonsense that that now implies, but don’t say that somehow it’s an extension of liberalism. Because it’s most often actually an undoing of liberalism. You can have your points of view … but don’t try & piggyback on what I always believed … in a colorblind society.”

Put another way perhaps is Maher, the liberal traditionalist’s “seeing” the hypocrisy in the babblings of any political demagogue or Biblical “blind guide.” SOLVE PROBLEMS, not just talk about them in the abstract; or offer naively worsening “fixes.” Better yet: Just read & understand the simple, personal responsibility, words of a 60’s liberal like JFK, that is, “ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country?”

Davd Soul


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