A Flame Broiled Burger For My Kingdom
WSJ story said “Climate Change Is Coming for the Finer Things in Life” but this warning about the impact of global warming misses the wokesters are also coming for ORDINARY things. Ever try making a char-broiled fish fillet on an electric stove?
Think this double whammy through. The article focused on the ravages of warmer climates on the production of “Wine, Olive oil, Coffee & Cocoa” & one source noted “It does feel a little apocalyptic.” The cost of those “comforts” have zoomed in an inflationary economy also fueled largely by governmental spending. But, consider too the new wave of government regulations on everything from gas stoves to vehicles to farting cows that have also either triggered soaring prices (e.g., $30 for a decent steak) to the inability to cook like momma used to. Case in point: I was trying to recreate my Mother’s delicious buttered popcorn using Orville Redenbacher corn kernels on my electric stove ... and the needed quick rise in temperature from a gaseous flame was impossible. Result: Many small, burnt kernels.
We are also being told to give up those tasty flame-broiled burgers. True, electric stoves have a “broil” option, but its ain’t the same. Funny, the wokes’ frantic push for a “green” conversion might be more understandable if they could show it is really making an impact on global warming when the reality is the entire electric movement is being fueled mostly by fossil fuels (because wind/solar energy currently yields only 10% or so of our total energy needs) and, therefore, MORE FOSSIL ENERGY is now needed than ever to keep the lights on. Hello. Is anyone looking at further improving fossil fuel consumption efficiency while some genius figures how to keep the wind & sun going 24/7/365?
Davd Soul
