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Abrams & MSM Eating Crow 2.0prah?

Even after Georgia early voting turnout soars to debunk ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ claim, Oprah has gall to warn of “frightening” fallout if Stacey “My Election Was Stolen in 2018” Abrams doesn’t beat Gov Brian Kemp in 2nd attempt …

Fox News reports how Chicago’s own wealthiest woman in the world hosted a “virtual campaign event” for Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on Tuesday night as recent polls showing the incumbent still holding as much as a 5% lead in the run up to the Nov. 8 election. Oprah also campaigned for Abrams in her first campaign that was narrowly lost. Since then, Ms. Abrams has arguably outdone former President Trump in insisting she had somehow been cheated, in her case by the “suppressive” Georgia voting laws in 2018. But unlike the policy laden if conspiratorialist No. 45 since his own defeat in 2020, hasn’t had much else outside of identity politics to run on. Hence, her inability to cut into Mr. Kemp’s lead in the polls? Maybe the bitching is not resonating with voters?

WSJ columnist Kimberley Strassel was pretty blunt in summing up what’s going on Georgia in her recent “Georgia Exposes the ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Lie.” Ms. Abrams & Democrats, she writes, have been insisting “the state made it [even] hard[er] to vote [but] nobody told the voters” as “early voting began in Georgia this week & the birthplace of ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ is smashing records.” So, is Oprah’s really “frightened”, as Kimberley suggests, by the prospect of pro-Abrams “Democrats, the media & corporate America” having to “address their letters of apology to the GOP-controlled statehouse”?

Davd Soul


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