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Absolute Bail Absolute Insanity For Criminally Insane?

One unfathomable tenet of radical liberalism holds that even repeatedly violent criminals should be released w/reduced or no cash bail because “all are innocent until proven guilty.” While all are surely innocent until a jury says otherwise, only a fool (& not the Constitution) says society has no right to protect itself against Sid Vicious until after a speedy trial is held.

True, that “all are absolutely innocent until proven guilty” argument was used to justify the wholesale release of prisoners from jail with reduced or no cash bail by the Chief Judge of Chicago’s criminal court system. And, the bail laws certainly vary widely from state to state, the “progressive” big city jurisdictions increasingly adopting the ”absolute” right to be bailed approach (even tho the Constitution only refers to excessive or unreasonably withheld bail). At least & in contrast, under federal law, case decisions make it clear that where there’s good reason to believe a person charged with violent crimes is a danger to their community, a judge must order pretrial detention.

The latest example of liberal perfidy is seen in Fox News’ account of a “NYC career criminal slashing a man after he was freed for a prior attack.” In this case, the accused slashed a total stranger in the face on a Manhattan subway after being released without bail for a similar attack on a woman’s head in downtown Brooklyn. It was the man’s SIXTH arrest since he was released without bail in October after pleading guilty to that earlier slashing. At his arraignment last Monday in a Manhattan criminal court, the accused was finally “ordered held on $45K cash bond” on charges of “attempted” assault. Anyone want to ride the subway with this guy today?

Davd Soul


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