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Accidental Superpower Intentionally UnLincoln?

“Accidental Superpower” by Peter Zeihan argues ala old “Manifest Destiny” mantra the USA is uniquely blessed by its geography to lead a crumbling world in the next 50 yrs … but, what about its Romanesque moral decay?

Actually, Mr. Zeihan’s best-selling book is subtitled, “The Next Generation of American Preeminence & Coming Global Disorder,” which critics have noted uniquely makes a ton of assumptions about that fickle thing called “The Future.” Said one insightful reviewer: “[It’s] blatant platitudes and omissions of convenience are too much … This book would make Thomas Friedman’s mustache blush.” A bit harsh perhaps? Yet, Zeihan does seem to adopt the John Kerry slash George Soros style of debate, in which HE defines the world no matter how intentionally it misrepresents it. Hence, the one caveat I’d proffer, the one about any superpower’s continued existence depending upon its moral fiber as well as “geopolitical” advantages God gave it. Think of the Rome as it burned while Nero fiddled. Or, Queen Elizabeth’s Great Britain whose once well-intentioned “civilizing” empire built by old school elites on subservient colonial peoples’ backs necessarily fell apart over time under the weight of its underpinning social hypocrisy.

Fast forward to America’s own moral dilemma as an increasingly troubled “Leader of the Free World.” Troubled because it has too many resources? Or, troubled by its own enemy within telling it to be guilty for those advantages? Troubled by radical progressives who insist on transferring that life-sustaining wealth via open borders; by anti-God theorists who believe in nothing; by socialists who tell the gullible that big govt will take care of them cradle to grave; & by demagogues who use identity politics to build a House Divided in the supposed name of unity? Would Abe blush if he were alive …

Davd Soul


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