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Adams Family Fought For One, Free Nation

Lost in the divisive CRT hub bub is that most Americans have always been anti-slavery & most leaders fought it tooth & nail. Abe certainly wasn’t the only white trash who paid dearly for his opposition. John Quincy Adams did too …


The Fox story was couched in how the son of John & reviled ex-president later fought in Congress its “gag rule” forbidding the discussion of slavery on the ground it would trigger canings & duels. Ok. But, perhaps most intriguing was Quincy’s undaunted, life long fight against slavery, and most importantly by his ACTIONS & not just words.


As the story says, Adams, like his dad, thought slavery “evil”, but was no “crusading abolitionist.” Still, he understood how Civil War was on everyone’s mind after being beaten by Andrew Jackson in 1828 & after serving one term as POTUS. We’re told he thought his political life was over, not knowing his greatest advocacy & moral leadership lay ahead, especially after winning a seat in Congress by a landslide. Despite threats against his life, he accepted & publicized on the House floor the sentiments of 40,000 people who had signed over 300 petitions demanding an end to slavery; when southern colleagues threatened secession & got enough votes to pass that gag rule, he ignored it; he opposed pro-slavery’s attempt to annex Texas & “denounced the reintroduction of slavery to a territory where it had been previously abolished.” Perhaps most gloriously, Adams took on the Amistad case before the Supreme Court & won the freedom of enslaved men & women who had escaped their captors … relying mostly on “appeals to the court’s memory of the Founding Fathers” & by dramatically pointing to the Declaration of Independence “hanging on the wall of the chamber …”


Davd Soul


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