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Advancements, Yes, But Hi Tech Low Balls (Un)Happiness

The binary code underpinning today’s technology brought in great advancements in communications, science & weaponry, but some greater retreats in the quality of life, so much so, that my smart phone’s latest break down makes me wonder if Bible’s cataclysmic “666” warning wasn’t SOS code for “01-01-01”.

Think how our dependence, if not addiction, to the so-called high technology has arguably made life worse not better for average folks than just 30-40 years ago. Phones at the dinner table, game addiction in the bedroom, 24-7 bombardment with electronic advertisements, fake news, cancel culture, enough plastic bottles & bags to fill up several Grand Canyons, woke lecturing by corporate conglomerates rather than from the pulpit, 200 channels of tv claptrap, $200 monthly phone bills, hackers & bank fraud galore, dark web threats & identity theft … the list goes on. Add to it, derivative consequences from the increased daily stress, record drug addiction, suicides, violent crime, pollution distrust of fellow man (or whatever), lack of pride in country as well as community.

For us baby boomers, at least, think back to unlocked home doors & impromptu neighborhood gatherings, shared telephone lines, woke-free schools teaching the ABCs & the arts as well as civic responsibility, nightly news you could trust, weekend picnics with the family, $10 bleacher seats to see a blacked-out ball game. WHAT A PRICE WE’VE PAID “01” FOR SO MUCH UNHAPPINESS.

Davd Soul


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