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Afghan Biden Botches Black Woman’s Sup Ct Nomination

An ABC poll says 76% of America wants President Biden to break his promise to a Georgia influencer to appoint a Black woman to the US Supreme Court in retiring Justice Breyer’s place & consider all possible nominees, presumably based on merit. What a novel idea.

Is the poll, in which even 54% of Democrats gave Biden’s idea a thumbs down, a sign of the American voting public’s maturation & sophistication in rejecting identity politics that has plagued it for so long now? (Mr. Biden, for one, has played the Race Card so often in the last two years alone that, LOL & if possible, he undoubtedly would have earned enough progressive reward points to get a free trip to Vegas). Not that a qualified Black woman can’t be found or shouldn’t be nominated. Or, that committing early to a given constituency in return for political support is illegal. (Some say Abe Lincoln promised more than one person the SOS post if he were nominated by the GOP.) Yet, those polled by ABC have been turned off by something deep inside their sense of decency, fairness, common sense.

Call it by any other name, but could it be some think Mr. Biden arguably “sold,” if proverbially ala Lincoln, a High Court seat to help him get elected? Then there's former Dem-presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard who noted, "Biden chose Harris as his VP because of the color of her skin & sex -- not qualification. She's been a disaster ... Now he promises to choose Sup Ct nominee on the same criteria. Identity politics is destroying our country." Well, appearances do matter. And, Mr. Biden did the next incoming Black woman justice no favors by botching her nomination almost as bad as his Afghan withdrawal.

Davd Soul


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