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Afghan Christians Dodge Taliban & Family?

While some Afghan Christians chose to blow off Biden’s botched withdrawal to be “salt & light” to their country, watchdog groups say, reality is, they are facing routine torture and even persecution from family members?

The Fox News report was sobering as well as blunt: “Christians who remain in Afghanistan in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover face routine torture and persecution from both the government and their own friends, families and communities,” at least, according to humanitarian and watchdog groups.

Yet, isn’t it TIRING in the Biblical sense? That is, didn’t not only Jesus Himself warn of persecutions against Christians until the End of Times played out, but for centuries since He walked the Earth His followers have endured one purge after another by governments and even their neighbors as well as families? What better example of the old saw that “history repeats itself”?

Davd Soul


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