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Afghan Withdrawal Fiasco All JOE’s?

WSJ says the anticipated “Report on Pentagon Role in Afghanistan is [suddenly] Under Review” so skeptics are “raising questions about [the military’s] public accountability” ... but ain’t pause more about JOE’s ROLE?

The “exclusive” report is based on “people familiar with the issue”, that being, whether all “aspects of the highly classified document will be released.” The draft report, we’re told, was submitted to top Pentagon officials earlier this month and in itself such “after action” assessments are quite normal; each agency involved in the Afghanistan withdrawal is participating. “But,” the newspaper notes, “so far, none of the reports has been released, preventing a public accounting of the administration’s decision-making and execution, particularly in the conflict’s final days.”

As the WSJ also does remind, “the results of these internal reviews are politically fraught as midterm elections approach in November” and “President Biden has faced bipartisan criticism from Congress for [HIS] decision to withdraw from Afghanistan.” Exactly. Isn’t this delay, then, more about the Commander rather than those he commanded?

Davd Soul


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