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Age of Unseriousness Seriously Sucks

Gerard Baker’s op ed titled “The Trump Grand Jury & the Age of Unseriousness” not only bashes foreperson Kohrs bizarre pr tour ala No. 45, but “how shallow the nation’s political debate” has become. Enter MSM & woke pols.

Argues Baker: “Don’t blame [Trump] for all of this. His unseriousness was more than matched by an opposition & media that embraced the temper of the age for years with mountainous nonsense about a Russian takeover of America. This besetting focus on fictions & trivialities consumes much of our political culture. The current budget debate is a case in point. Everyone knows we face a fiscal crisis that looms larger each year. But any attempt to have serious, bipartisan discussion is scotched. Democrats can demagogue every proposal to do something about entitlements because they know there is no penalty for not taking things seriously.”

Consider, too, he offers, “the supposedly pressing issues that are lumped into the category of ‘culture wars.’ The proponents of these radical new ideologies [from CRT to idea that biological sex isn’t real] aren’t serious, and I suspect, most of them know it.” If so, Gerard, how “shallow” are us Americans who take the unserious debaters seriously?

Davd Soul


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