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Air Biden, Air DeSantis vs Air Mexicana?

VP Harris’ “laughable” claim southern border is “secure” belied as 2 migrant busloads arrive outside her DC home & 2 loaded planes sent to Martha’s Vineyard compliments of Texas & Florida “overrun” with them?

Iowa Sen. Ernst recently told Fox News she was “dumbfounded” by Biden Administration’s “ignoring” the ever-growing humanitarian crisis at our southern border & “the risk this poses to all communities across the US; i.e., as they allow those illegal immigrants to cross over the southern border & then release them into the interior” via military airplanes & other subsidized forms of transport. She literally “laughed” at Kamala Harris’ assurances the border situation was under control.

The southern states, of course, have been likewise shipping busloads of the migrants to northern sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago and DC who supposedly forgot they “welcomed” them to their fair communities. Most recently, Texas sent 2 packed buses to the VP herself and Florida Gov. DeSantis sent 2 loaded planes to tony Martha’s Vineyard. “Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations,” the governor’s communications director, Taryn Fenske, told Fox. Such a deal Air Biden and Air DeSantis are offering the migrants? How about sending them BACK to where they came from & WAITING THEIR TURN IN LINE like any responsible wanna-be American has in the past?

Davd Soul


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