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Alito Knows Cretan Who Leaked Dobbs Draft?

Some libs suggest Sup Crt leaked Roe overturn draft to ensure its likely 5-4 issuance? Justice & author Alito says that’s “implausible” cause “it made us assassination targets.” He KNOWS Cretan who pissed majority's draft to press?

The WSJ article’s backdrop centered on Alito’s answering attacks on the court’s “legitimacy” in the wake of the Dobbs abortion ruling. But, he now says, the leaking of the majority’s highly controversial decision was motivated by someone who wanted it, like an unborn child, to never see the light of day. In any event, he notes: The leak “created an atmosphere of suspicion & distrust. We worked through it, and last year we got our work done.” Meanwhile, security for all the Justices was beefed up, especially after a gunman was arrested lurking in the vicinity of Justice Kavanaugh’s home & the Supreme Court marshal’s investigation failed to ID the leaker using a “preponderance of the evidence standard.”

While Justice Alito says the marshal did a "good job tracking the culprit with limited resources ... I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible … It was part of an effort to prevent the Dobbs draft … from becoming the decision of the court. And that’s how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside – as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court.” That campaign, of course, included “unlawful assemblies outside justices’ home.” But, the real kicker, Alito says, some Cretans thought “it was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us … Look, this made us targets of assassination. Would I do that to myself? Would the five of us have done that to ourselves?” Only the Cretans of this world would, Mr. Justice.

Davd Soul


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