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All Hail Alfred Fauci Who Decrees He’s Greater Than

Government lifer, Dr. Fauci, asked how dare the courts overrule him & the CDC on mandates that exceeded legal authority, countered the latest “science,” & once locked down churches…as if arguing he’s greater than courts, Einstein & God.

As the WSJ editors wrote, it’s now “All Hail, Anthony Fauci” by saying “courts should defer to public-health experts like him … Public health officials have often wielded power during the pandemic as if law & Constitution [as well as the common sense God gave us] don’t matter, even if they haven’t said so explicitly. Anthony Fauci is finally telling it in the raw.”

Take a hard look at the good doctor. He was “in charge” when prior pandemics took flight during prior administrations days, but he looked on without lockdowns or vaccines and frankly acted as well as looked a lot like a clueless Alfred E. Newman, the fictitious mascot and cover boy for Mad magazine ... even SNL has mocked his doubling down on his doomsday doubling down (yet meandering "advice") on how to beat Covid as more people died of the disease in 2021 under his watch than 2020 (and after mandate mania took hold). It doesn’t mean Tony is Alfred, but it doesn’t mean we believe everything the doctor-turned-judge & prophet says.

Davd Soul


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