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Alveda’s MLK Abortion Logic Stuff O Dreams?

Alveda King’s “Abortion ruling a reminder that civil rights begin in the womb,” not when someone arbitrarily pencils in a date on the calendar, may be debatable on some points but its powerful logic is all MLK …

Ms. King wrote for Fox News: “As the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I had the honor of growing up in a family with a vibrant history of defending civil rights. As we all know, my uncle played a key role in ensuring equal rights for all of God’s children – no matter their skin tone. But today, the new civil rights struggle of our time is for “womb equality” and the right to life for the unborn children who are aborted each year. In his ‘I have a Dream’ speech, my uncle famously said that ‘my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character …

“But, this assumes that the unborn children are first given the chance to live at all. As such, every American must face the reality that civil rights begin in the womb; as long as a baby can be legally killed before birth [even up to the delivery date … for any reason, under any circumstances & upon anyone’s whim?], there is no such thing as civil rights.”

Davd Soul


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