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Alvin Bragg’s Squirrely Trump Theory

Remember Alvin the Squirrel? Well NY DA’s Alvin (Bragg) brags he’s prosecuting Trump for “election rigging” via old Stormy Daniels hush money checks. But is HE guilty of “election interference” with a legal theory that’s nuttier than Rocky's favorite acorn?


The WSJ columnist Kim Strassel thinks so as she also writes: “One big election question is whether voters will again fall for Joe Biden’s 2020 pitch [aka] Elect me because Republicans are a ‘threat to democracy.’ If they don’t, Democrats can blame the growing insanity of the Donald Trump prosecutions, which every day look less like fair or sober justice.” Perhaps the biggest case in point, she argues, is the Manhattan DA’s case “which hinges on the claim that Mr. Trump falsely labeled 7-yr-old business records about a nondisclosure-agreement payment to an adult film star [that] was always tenuous. [But] to elevate this somewhat nonsensical issue to a felony, Mr. Bragg had to claim further the entries were mislabeled with intent to commit or conceal a secondary crime” by suggesting the payoff was an illegal campaign contribution” ... even tho the money came from Trump.


Strassel further explains why Alvin Bragg is esp squirrely: “Consider the sheer nuttiness of [his] argument when spooled to its natural conclusions. Campaigns exist to present a candidate favorably to the public – to highlight good things, hide unpleasant things …” And yet, Bragg is insisting that not only accusations of a past steamy relationship must be revealed but so too any “plastic surgery” masking the true ravages of age or health.” Is Joe Biden at risk for now telling NPR he’s sharp as a tack when everyone can plainly see his arthritic feet couldn’t feel a 3-inch nail he stepped on like Harry in Home Alone 2? “Better yet,” Strassel concludes, “let’s march the entire political class to their jail cells [since] … many [like Bill & Hillary Clinton] should already be there under the Bragg “concealment” theory.”


Davd Soul


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