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Alvin Bragg’s Trump Brag ala Rocky Squirrel?

While Biden fam enriches itself with unexplained yet obvious influence peddling, a Dem NY DA “bizarrely” leaks possible indictment of Trump based on paying off a Stormy affair cause “no one’s above the [Rule of Squirrels] law”?

It was George Washington U Prof Jonathan Turley who labeled the expected indictment of a former president by NY DA Alvin Bragg as “bizarre” since what Mr. Trump did is done all the time by celebs, pols & got rocks being shaken down by con artists without the least wink & nod from prosecutors. And, the idea that “campaign funds” were used as the basis for an indictable offense was debunked by ex-FEC commissioner Hans von Spakovsky when talking about it to Fox News: “A settlement payment of a nuisance claim is not a federal campaign expense … The state DA has no authority to prosecute a federal campaign violation in any event.” BTW, he argued, any such case would be within the FEC’s jurisdiction along with the DOJ and neither prosecuted Trump, despite knowing all the facts for years.

Perhaps it was the WSJ editors who put Bragg’s “witch hunt” (as Mr. Trump calls it) in best perspective as “political.” According to the paper’s editors, “an indictment of a former President must be for serious offenses with indisputable evidence” and, they suggest, THIS DOESN’T COME CLOSE TO PASSING THE SMELL TEST. But, then, what can you expect from a radical progressive DA funded with over $1 MILLION by Soros-controlled org whose own parents named him after a singing rodent?

Davd Soul


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