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Alzheimer's No Match 4 Resistance Training?

Days ago WSJ reported research suggesting the aging process & longevity can be positively affected by simply EXERCISING as golden yrs approach. Now we learn “Resistance Training”, e.g., lifting weights can alleviate Alzheimer’s symptoms.

A recent article in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience suggests resistance or even plain old exercise have indeed shown “anti-inflammatory impact” on Alzheimer patients & should be now consider a “complimentary treatment” for the disease. The study was conducted by Brazilian researchers from the Federal University of San Paulo & the University of Sao Paulo. They focused on “transgenic mice with a mutation responsible for buildup of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, which in turn are currently thought to lead to problems with brain function & Alzheimer’s itself. After four weeks of resistance training for the mice, however, their brain tissue showed a decrease in formation of beta-amyloid plaques. Moreover, they found the training “normalized plasma levels of corticosterone,” a hormone equivalent to cortisol in humans. Per the WSJ, “increased cortisol has previously been associated with faster cognitive decline.”

Concluded Henrique Correia Campos, an author of the article, “This confirms that physical activity can reverse neuropathological alterations that cause clinical symptoms of the disease.” Of course, the research needs more peer review & follow up research, including the potential overriding impact of genetics on Alzheimer’s. Previous research from the University of Sydney had already suggested resistance training can “help protect brain areas especially vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease up to one year later.”

Davd Soul


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