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American Malaise & Its House Divided

WSJ poll says “most Americans doubt their children will be better off” as another says “America pulls back from values that once defined it.” Are “we” becoming a race of woke boobs? Time to wake up, smell the friggin’ coffee?

Little wonder the first bad news about future prospects comes on the heels of the related poll suggesting “patriotism, religion and hard work” now hold less importance to the average American? Amazing how a couple or three spoiled generations will bury the memories of the Herculean sacrifices made by the Greatest Generation & even the Baby Boomers who were constantly reminded about how tough REAL life can be in the wake of World War II, then, the Korean War (which, btw, is still ongoing…) Ever get the feeling that the not-so-distant Viet Nam War is also now a fog in the minds of too many of our compatriots? Patriotism, religion and HARD WORK got the nation through those crises. But, apparently not any longer on most cynical folks’ radars …

In years past, real historians … as opposed to today’s academic progressive propagandists … would honestly tell us the nation is NOT in the middle of a unifying “re-evaluation of its founding history” but in a divisive if not life-threatening MALAISE; one in which the enemy is not from without but from within. Lincoln understood this in his House Divided speech on June 16, 1858. The nation didn’t listen. The American Civil War could so easily been avoided, that is, if clearer heads had prevailed.

Davd Soul


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