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Americans Want Uncle Sam In Abortion Biz?

WSJ poll says “Most Americans Support Upholding Roe v Wade,” but it forgets most supported Dred Scott (Blacks are chattel) & Korematsu (WWII internment Camps are ok). Thank God polls don’t decide our human rights?

Unfortunately, the “average” American wasn’t and isn’t a lawyer let alone a Constitutional originalist like Abraham Lincoln. Today, few even consider that the “debate” over Roe v Wade that started 50 years ago was always based on a 5-4 progressive majority that dreamed up a bogus Privacy Right aka Right to Choose (never mentioned in the Constitution) at the expense of millions of unborn babies’ Right to Life (clearly in you know what). Yet, it’s misleading surveys like the WSJ’s that keeps the never-ending divisions among us never-ending. Why? BECAUSE the correct issue before the U.S. Supreme Court now is still NOT really about the Right to Choose vs the Right to Life BUT whether the voters in the states, not the federal government’s pols, jurists & bureaucrats, are the ones authorized under the Constitution to make the call.

Hello, then. If the paper is right and if “68%” want to keep at least part of Roe in place and “57%” of those Americans surveyed now feel “a woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason,” it’s going to keep happening in their states, even if the Justices finally, correctly, get Uncle Sam out of the abortion clinic business.

Davd Soul


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