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Animal House Out As Returning SROs Restore Order

How bad was the collapsing defunding police movement on school safety as kids returned to the classrooms? In two Va & Md school districts that had replaced cops with community engagers think “Animal House” at the mercy of Bonnie & Clyde.

As Fox News noted, in Montgomery County, Maryland for the first four months of class “a staggering 1,688 calls 911 were made.” The rap sheet totals compiled by 7News: “102 sex assaults, 87 assaults, 82 school threats, 76 controlled substance incidents, 57 weapon-related incidents, 57 conflicts, 35 mental health incidents, 28 property crimes & four robberies.” Meanwhile, in Alexandria, Virginia, high school principal Peter Balas told a meeting to decide whether to bring real officers back on campus: “Our students are sending us warning shots, literally warning shots … Please consider this. My staff, my students. We’re not OK.” As a result, the city council reinstated “School Resource Officers” in schools through the end of this school year.

Few still remember, the Fox story noted, SROs “began in the US in the 1950s and became commonplace after the Columbine school shooting tragedy of 1999.”

Davd Soul


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