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Anti-Oil Baron Biden Laughs Off Energy Crisis

Joe Biden recently chastised critical Americans who don’t seem able to “understand” how “complicated” the energy crisis & rising prices are while he’s “thinking” about shutting down another oil pipeline, this time in Michigan, as winter nears. But, isn’t Joe’s lecture as “complicated” as a jackass’ rear end wagging its tail?

Columnist Marc Thiessen said the gross price inflation in the 10 short months since President Trump left office is simple: Biden “declared war on fossil fuels.” Dagen McDowell elaborated on a Fox News show: Biden’s energy secretary Jennifer Granholm “took a chainsaw … [she] and her liberal nuts … to one of our most valuable industries … and … our global security.”

It might be noted that Granholm recently laughed when asked by a reporter to reveal her “plan” to increase American oil production again rather than ask OPEC & Russia to do so for the U.S., saying “that [Q] is hilarious” because oil is a “global market” controlled by OPEC, which has told her boss (Biden) to kiss their touche. Funny how OPEC did not control much besides their camel caravans when Mr. Trump was POTUS, the U.S. for the first time in eons was so “energy independent” it was EXPORTING surplus oil and gasoline pump prices were more than a buck and a half less than now.

Davd Soul


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