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Antifa Decoded Or Misunderstood?

Brad Meltzer once said on "Decoded: Jesse James" Americans want law & order but don’t like being told what to do. How does that square with extremists like Antifa? An ex-member says group hates America & wants to destroy its law & order.

So said former Antifa member Gabriel Nadales on Jesse Watters Primetime in the context of the MSM’s habitual downplaying of violent Antifa activities, including the most recent riots in Atlanta. Besides CNN & other outlets “making excuses” for Antifa as if they were nothing more than just a hodge podge of disgruntled folks’ creative “ideas”, Nadales said, the group itself disguises its own “real” agenda by pretending to be anti-fascist: “But you have to ask yourself, what does anti-fascism mean? Well, when they define it, they don’t mean Nazis, they don’t mean KKK, they mean basically Western ideals as well as democracy itself. They don’t like the Democratic Party. They don’t like the Republican Party. They want to destroy America.”

Ok. Even Jesse James wouldn’t have gone that far.

But, if so, what would Antifa replace America with? When Nadales tried to express any moderating view, “they just called me a capitalist pig …” So, Antifa doesn’t like a Capitalist pig? Or, Western democracy? Or, Trump or Biden? Sound more & more like comrade Badinov?

Davd Soul


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